Thursday, December 13


In Him we have the redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 1:7.

Any personal righteousness that we have is like "filthy rags" to God. If we try to bank on our own righteousness or good works all we will earn is hell. We cannot earn God's mercy or eternal salvation through our own works or righteousness and if we try then all we do is deny and devalue the way of forgiveness in the cross of Christ. All we have is God's grace.

Jerry Bridges in his book "The Great Exchange" says this,

"There is only one condition to warrant our salvation and it is designated by the two little words "in him." These words have great weight and consequence because they assign us to a new representative, one that perfectly redeems sinners through his own...blood.

All of this - our redemption, our forgivenss, and the blood of Christ through which it is provided - is bestowed on us 'according to the riches of his grace which he lavished upon us with all wisdom and insight.'

From the beginning to end, it is grace -God's blessings in Christ to those who deserve his curse- by which we are saved (Ephesians 2:8-9). This grace is copious, bountiful, and abundant. It is never lacking. It never wanes. It is freely provided in the new covenant, sealed forever in blood by the God who cannot lie."

What amazing grace. God's glory is displayed in his grace. Our response to this indescribable grace should always be praise and worship to the almighty God.

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