God is Faithful
Isaiah 28:16 says, "Behold I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, and he who believes in Him shall not be disappointed."
"The point here is that if you trust Christ, God's corner stone, you will not be disappointed. This stone will not prove faulty. If you build your life on this stone, your life will not crumble in the storm. If you hide behind this stone, you will be safe. If you stand on the truth of this stone, you will not be ashamed. If you join with others in the spiritual house built on this stone, you will be proud of your foundation and your fellowship will stand. 'Behold I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, and he who believes in Him shall not be disappointed.'" (John Piper)
God is faithful. He can be trusted without hesitation. When he says "Follow me" we can leave our lives and follow him without restraint.
Isaiah 26:3, "You (God) will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you."
Keep in mind, when thinking about God's faithfulness, His immutability. Like all of God's attributes together these are related. If God is unchanging then it follows that he could not be unfaithful because that would require him to change. God is always worthy of our trust. He never lies. His promises always come to fruition.
Once again remember that God is not like us. He is not human.
"Men become unfaithful out of desire, fear, weakness, loss of interest, or because of some strong influence from without. Obviously none of these forces can affect God in any way. He is His own reason for all He is and does. He cannot be compelled from without, but ever speaks and acts from within Himself by His own sovereign will as it pleases Him." Tozer
Our hope rests solely on God's being faithful. Peace and rest come from trusting God and believing that what he says about himself and about our world is true. If we stop and questions God's faithfulness we open up ourselves to the opportunity of being led away from God and His word down a path of believing lies about who God is and who we are.
Trust that God is faithful. Spend some time this week looking at all the ways God was faithful to His people in the Old and New Testament. And this is easy because anytime God acts he is acting in faithfulness. Why? Because contrary to humans "faithful" does not describe his actions alone, but describes his nature.
Rejoice and take heart, God is faithful.
1 comment:
2 Timothy 2:13 says- If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.
This is a central truth to Christianity. No matter how much we mess up and rebel God is faithful. This verse teaches that for God to be unfaithful would be for Him to deny all that He is and all that He stands for. This truth gives me much comfort that there's nothing I can do to nullify the faithfulness of God.
Since He is faithful we must also be faithful. Scripture teaches that we must be holy for He is holy. We would do well to follow this example and say we must be faithful for the Lord your God is faithful.
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