Tuesday, November 11

Husbands Who Are Like Christ - Week 11

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.” This study is directed at both girls and guys. We want them both to see what a godly husband should look like so that the guy can strive to be one and the girl can know what to look for in a husband.

A Christ-like husband should be three things:

1. A Christ-like husband is a LOVER (Eph 5, John 3:16,John 10 1 Cor 13). Love is a selfless, enduring commitment of the will to care about and benefit another person by righteous, truthful and compassionate thoughts, words and actions. Love is doing what is most needed not what is most wanted.

He should love his wife like Christ loved the church. How did Christ love the church? He initiates love (1 John 4:19) he is sacrificial even when it is inconvenient (Eph 5:25), he is humble (Phil 2:3-4) he is committed (Rom. 8:39), he is quick to forgive (Col 3:13), he helps her to be more like Christ (Eph 5:26-27).

How are these things seen in practical ways? Telling her verbally and non-verbally that you love her, praising her character generously, making time for her, listening to what she says (not mind reading), sharing every area of life, providing for her, lead in such a way to promote her spiritual growth, treat her as a priority.

2. A Christ-like husband is a LEARNER. (1 Peter 3:7). Our culture tells us that woman cannot be understood by men, but God says that not only can a husband understand his wife, but that he is commanded to understand her.

How can a husband understand his wife? Takes the time to get to know her and understand her likes, dislikes, hurts, pains, If God says to do it, you must prioritize it and do it. It takes effort to learn about your wife. You can study godly women in the Bible and study your wife continuously. Ask questions.

3. A Christ-like husband is a SERVANT-LEADER (Eph 5:23, 1 Cor. 11:3,7-9). The husband is divinely called to take primary responsibility for Christ-like servant leadership, protection, and provision in the home.

What is Godly-leadership? It is NOT a dictatorship in which the husband makes his demands and expects the wife to serve him. It also is NOT the husband making all the decisions and it is NOT following the leadership of the wife. A godly husband leads his wife by following Christ’s example of leadership.

How is Godly leadership seen in the husband? A husband doesn’t drive his wife (Cowboy), but leads her (Shepherd). He is gentle and caring. He is humble (Phil 2:5-8), he follows after God’s will (John 4:34, 6:38) he is willing to serve her (Luke 22:26 and John 13:5ff).

Practically how is this seen? The husband should be concerned for his wife’s needs and desires, he knows where he is leading his wife and family, he sets an example of control (eating, spending $), he solves problems biblically, he instructs his wife not as a father but as a team leader, he encourages her in her God-given responsibilities as a wife, and he lives joyfully with her by being fun to live with and be around.

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