Wednesday, August 27

God, Marriage, and Family

This coming week begins our study on God, Marriage and the Family. I am really excited about this study and feel that it will be really beneficial for everyone involved; teachers and students.

Our first week we are asking one question: Why are we studying about Marriage and the Family? I stated our main goal in the study but it is worth saying again: Our purpose is to clear away any confusion and unbiblical thinking on marriage and family relationships by teaching that God has told us in his Word how to think about these things.

Our students and we ourselves are being influenced by this worlds view on marriage, family, and everything connected to marriage and the family and we must guard against wrong beliefs and wrong thinking.

To accomplish our purpose we must love and seek God's view of these things found in His word. This is the only place to find real answerers for our tough questions. This study is not meant to be exhaustive but foundational in that we are laying down a foundation for the students to build on in the future.

More than anything we want students to love Jesus, love others, and be passionate about thinking biblically about all things. This is what we should be striving for ourselves and the direction we should be pointing the students.

For further study...
If you would like to do some additional study on your own to better prepare yourself for this series I am making a book called, God, Marriage, and Family by Andreas Kostenberger available to you. If you would like a free copy of this book please email me and it shall be yours. This book is one of the main books that I am using to help write this study.

Also here are some additional scripture references for this upcoming Sunday:
Main passage: Genesis 2:15-25, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Ephesians 5:15-17, Romans 12:1-2.

This Sunday during my teaching time I will be discussing mainly two things:

The current crisis concerning marriage and the family, mainly what the world is teaching us and that we are seeking to clear away confusion and unbiblical thinking and...

the Bible is the standard we will use to help us think the right way about marriage and the family.

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