Applying God's Word: Conforming to Scripture
Sorry for the delay this week. This week we are talking about how to apply God's word to our everyday lives. We have to keep in mind that our goal is godliness; conforming to Jesus Christ; conforming to Scripture.
An old Puritan pastor Thomas Watson puts it like this:
Let us lead Scripture lives. Oh that the Bible might be seen printed in our lives! Do what the Word commands. Obeidence is an excellent way of commenting upon the Bible. "I will walk in thy truth" Psalm 136:11. Let the Word be the sun-dial by which you set your life. What are we the better for having the Scripture, if we do not direct all our speeches and actions according to it? What is a carpenter the better for his rule about him, if he sticks it as his back, and never makes use of it for measuring and squaring his work? So, what are we the better for the rule of the Word, if we do not make use of it, and regulate our lives by it? How many swerve and deviate from the rule!
The Word teaches to be sober and temperate, but they are drunk; to be chase and holy, but they are profane; they go quite fromt he rule! What a dishonor is it to religion, for men to live in contradiction to Scripture! The Word is called a "light to our feet" Ps. 119:105. It is not only a light to our eyes to mend our sight, but to our feet to mend our walk. Oh let us lead Bible conversations!
I love that last line. Oh let us lead Bible conversations!. I pray we will in our Connect groups this Sunday.
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