Bible Intake: Meditating and Memorizing
Here is the study for this coming Sunday if you didn't get it. Have a great week.
Bible Intake: Meditating and Memorizing
The Discipline in Focus
If we only just read the word of God and hear it we may gain a lot from it, but in the long run it does not compare with meditating and memorizing on God’s word. The value of memorizing scripture is immeasurable. Donald Whitney gives us five rewards when memorizing the Bible.
1. Memorization supplies spiritual power – When we memorize scripture it is available for the Holy Spirit to take and bring to your attention when you need it. (Psalm 119:11, Col 3:2, and especially the example of Jesus in Matthew 4:1-11).
2. Memorization strengthens your faith – When you memorize scripture you are increasing your faith because you are constantly reinforcing the truth. (Pro. 22:17-19).
3. Memorization aids in witnessing and counseling – Scripture memory can prepare us for unexpected witnessing and counseling opportunities. (Acts 2:14-40, where Peter shares the gospel by quoting much of the OT).
4. Memorization is a means of God’s guidance – The Holy Spirit will bring scripture to our minds and provide guidance for us in times of need. For example anytime we wonder what we might say in a certain situation if we have Ephesians 4:29 memorized we will be able to proceed the best way.
5. Memorization stimulates mediation – When you have a verse memorized you can meditate on it whenever and wherever.
Mediation is often a buzzword that brings up images of Buddha, yoga, or new age movement. Many Christians are even uncomfortable talking about it. The kind of meditation done in the Bible is different from the world’s way. Mediation according to the world is about emptying your mind, but Christian mediation involves filling your mind with God and truth. Mediation, God’s way, involves prayer, and his word. Mediation is defined as deep thinking on the truths and spiritual realities revealed in Scripture for the purposes of understanding, application, and prayer. Thomas Watson once said, “The reason we come away so cold from reading the word is, because we do not warm ourselves at the fire of meditation.” Mediation is key to Christian growth because it helps us to absorb the living water of God’s word. See John 15 and Psalm 1.
Getting Practical
Memorize Scripture
1. Have a plan. Select some verses on a particular topic where the Lord is working in your life at the moment. For example, memorize verses on faith or humility.
2. Write out the verses. Make a list and keep it with you. Use index cards.
3. Memorize it word for word. Make sure you know exactly what is being said in that verse. This will give you more confidence when sharing it with someone else.
4. Find a method of accountability. Meet with someone else and review your verses.
5. Review and meditate everyday. If you do not review verses you have previously memorized you will forget them. Review right before you go to sleep.
6. Don’t forget why you are doing this. Godliness.
Meditate on Scripture
1. Select the right passage. Choose a passage, phrase, verse, or word that gets your attention while reading. Choose verses that pertain to your circumstances.
2. Repeat the verse in different ways. Think deeply upon the truth that flashes into your mind each time you read a word.
3. Rewrite the verse in your own words. Paraphrasing a verse could help you understand the meaning.
4. Look for applications of the text. Ask yourself, “How should I respond to this text?” The outcome of mediation should be application.
5. Pray through the text. Pray as you meditate.
6. Don’t rush. Take your time. Make sure you have allotted yourself plenty of time to spend meditating on God’s word.
1. How important is memorizing God’s word? How important is meditating on God’s word?
2. Why are these things important?
3. Are the tasks of memorizing and meditating difficult because they take a lot of time or because you just don’t see why you should do them? (They are called disciplines for a reason).
4. What is holding you back from making a plan this week to memorize scripture?
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