Wednesday, January 9

God is Son

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

There is one and only one God, eternally existing and fully expressed in three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each member of the Godhead is equally God, each is eternally God, and each is fully God –not three gods but three Persons of fully the identically same, eternal divine nature, yet each is also an eternal and distinct personal expression of the one undivided divine nature.

Rejoice that the Son is fully God. Many have tried to say that he was only man, but have failed. Jesus was fully man and fully God.

In this time in history the role of the Son is the role of building the church. He is in the process of bringing everything into subjection under his feet. Ephesians 1:20-23.

Nothing is outside of the control of the Son. He rules and reigns the world at the right hand of the Father. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

No matter what you read or hear the world is under the control of one ruler and that is Christ. He is the one who puts presidents, kings, prime ministers and dictators in their thrones of power.

Jesus, the eternal Son, begotten from the eternal Father, made known by the eternal Spirit is to be worshiped and rejoiced in and adored by us. This is our purpose in life. To love and prize the Son of God in whom we have salvation and the forgiveness of sins.

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