Why Study God?
"Thus says the Lord, 'Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty man boast boast of his might, let not a rich man boast of his riches; but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understand and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercies lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for I delight in these thngs', declares the Lord" Jeremiah 9:23-24.
Why should we do a study on the attributes of God? Whats the difference? I am already a Christian. What good will it do me to know God in a deeper way?
Some people might find a study like this boring. Or unnecessary. They say, "Surely I can get by with what I know now. Can't I make it without knowing all this 'extra' stuff about God?"
Allow me to let J.I. Packer answer this question:
-A fair question!--but there is, I think, a convincing answer to it. The questioner clearly assumes that a study of the nature and character of God will be impractical and irrelevant for life. In fact, however, it is the most practical project anyone can engage in. Knowing God is crucially important for living of our lives. As it would be cruel to an Amazonian tribesman to fly him to London and, put him down without explanation in London Square and leave him, as one who knew nothing of English or England, to fend for himself, so we are cruel to ourselves if we try to live in this world without knowing about the God whose world it is and who runs it.
The world becomes a strange, mad painful place, and life in it is a disappointing and unpleasant business, for those who do not know God. Disregard the study of God, and you sentence yourself to stumble and blunder through life blindfolded, as it were, with no sense of direction and no understanding of what surrounds you. This way you can waste your life and lose your soul. "Knowing God" pg 18-19.
This is God's world. Our environment is God. He is everywhere. He sustains our lives.
Knowing who God is and knowing what he is like from Scriptures is absolutely crucial to the way we life everyday. The way you think about God and who you believe Him to be flows out into your thoughts, behavior, attitudes, and motivations.
There is nothing more satisfying to the soul than knowing God. There is nothing that matters more than Him.
In your study this week let me challenge you to write some examples of how knowing a specific attribute of God would effect our everyday life. For example, How would believing that God is immutable change the way we think and live? Think of some examples and come prepared to share some with your students.
From A.W. Pink's Book The Attributes of God:
A spiritual and saving knowledge of God is the greatest need of every human creature. An unknown God can neither be trusted, served, nor worshipped.
Knowing God is sovereign and benevolent allows me to take heart in hard times and gives me hope that my failures can be used for the good.
Great example.
I love knowing God is a jealous God, that He's jealous for me! He won't share me with another. Meaning I can't be an idolator and run after other gods or be adulterous in my relationship with Him. He'll come get me everytime!
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