Here are some additions to the material that you will be discussing with the students this Sunday: (I will be sharing some of this during my teaching time, but it would be good for you to study it in order to discuss it a little more in depth with the students.)
A.W. Pink said that you can say that God is immutable in three different ways:
He is immutable in his attributes.
He is immutable in his counsel.
This means that God's nature, unlike ours, is unchangeable. God is the I AM (Ex. 3:14). He always has been and always will be. He is fixed. Pink states that God has never grown nor improved. God does not grow or become more holy or more loving. God is. Period.
Malachi 3:6 "For I the Lord do not change." He is unaffected by anything outside himself. He cannot be changed by anything. For example, God's love cannot be changed. His love for you is based in his nature and not in your actions. The fact that God is love is a fact that always has been and always will be.
It is absolute truth that God is love.
God's attributes are a part of his being. God not only shows love; he is love. God not only give justice; he is just. God not only shows mercy; he is merciful.
His attributes will not change. He is powerful, supreme, sovereign, holy, faithful, good, patient. It is a very glorious and joyous thing that God is unchanging.
God's counsel and his purpose are unchangeable (Hebrews 6:17, Ps. 33:11, 1 Sam, 15:29, Num. 23:19). Because God is all-knowing and all-powerful he is not does not get surprised by anything. He knows what he wants completely and will bring it about. His will does not change. There is never a need for God to have a plan B. God's thinking does not change and therefore he does not have to amend his words.
God does not change. His truth remains the same. His ways remain the same, his attributes remain the same (the fact that he is immutable will never change), his purpose is solid, like a rock. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Encourage the students to apply this to their life. When they see that God does not change and that his promises to them do not change no matter what they will be moved to trust God and his promises. God is not human. His promises do not fail. We can trust our lives to our Father who is immutable.
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