Ruins That Have Been Rebuilt
There is a lot to cover in Acts 15:1-35, but the focus of this short blog article is Acts 15:13-19.
Jesus came into the world and began to gather a true believing remnant of Israel. First there were 12 apostles; then there were 5,000 converts in Jerusalem. This spread as God began to fulfill his promise to rebuild the dwelling of David and repair the ruins of his people.
The purpose of these rebuilt ruins in v. 16 is to open up a way for men to call upon the name of the Lord.
As we put our faith in Christ, we are restored to a right relationship with Him. We are new creations in Christ. We live during a time of not tearing down but a time of building up. The ruins are being rebuilt.
Our purpose in being restored it to point all those who have not seen Christ and believed in Him for salvation to Christ as the Messiah, Savior and Lord of Creation.
God has restored you. You have been made new. Go and tell it on the mountain tops what Jesus has done.