Thursday, July 19

Ruins That Have Been Rebuilt

There is a lot to cover in Acts 15:1-35, but the focus of this short blog article is Acts 15:13-19.

Jesus came into the world and began to gather a true believing remnant of Israel. First there were 12 apostles; then there were 5,000 converts in Jerusalem. This spread as God began to fulfill his promise to rebuild the dwelling of David and repair the ruins of his people.

The purpose of these rebuilt ruins in v. 16 is to open up a way for men to call upon the name of the Lord.

As we put our faith in Christ, we are restored to a right relationship with Him. We are new creations in Christ. We live during a time of not tearing down but a time of building up. The ruins are being rebuilt.

Our purpose in being restored it to point all those who have not seen Christ and believed in Him for salvation to Christ as the Messiah, Savior and Lord of Creation.

God has restored you. You have been made new. Go and tell it on the mountain tops what Jesus has done.

Wednesday, July 11

Paul and Barnabas

According to Acts 4:36 Barnabas' real name was Joseph and the apostles called him "Barnabas" because it means "son of encouragement." Barnabas was one who felt compassion for those who were outsiders. He loved people. We see this in his relationship with Paul.

If anyone was an outsider to the early church it was Paul. No one would touch him. He was the enemy. "What if he just wanted to infiltrate the church and carry us all to prison." Though many would dare not believe Paul had put his faith in Christ, Barnabas believed.

Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith (Acts 11:22). Barnabas was one who encouraged and loved others because he was a man of faith and full fo the Holy Spirit. He remembered that Christ had loved and accepted him. He saw the powerful love and compassion of Christ in Paul's life. He knew God's unconditional love. Faith feels the wonder of being accepted into God's family. He was once cut off. But now he is family.

Encouraging others and loving others is commanded in Scripture. We are to be people full of faith. The story of Barnabas and his relationship with Paul challenges us to remember what God has done for us and to know that he has the power to do that in the lives of anyone he pleases.

Go into all the world and preach the gospel. Paul and Barnabas did just that. And they loved every second. Not because of success or comfort or attention, but because they knew God and were joyful to proclaim the wonderful news of Jesus Christ.

Thursday, July 5

Prison Break

In reading Acts, we notice two main themes. The first is that Jesus is alive. The second is that Jesus is in charge. In Acts 12:1-19 we see the second point with 20/20 vision.

The FUEL material does a good job of sculpting the background info on the story of Peter's prison break so I will not repeat all of that. What I want to point you to is the fact that Jesus is in control and he changes things.

Peter is in a seemingly hopeless situation. He is being imprisoned by a ruthless king. He is being guarded by four squads of soldiers (16 soldiers). And he is chained to two soldiers in a cell that is also guarded by two soldiers. Wow. He is doomed right? Is there any way out of this situation?

How often do we ask ourselves that? Is there any way out of this situation? Often we get in a rut and think that things will always be the same and things will never change. My parents will never change. My job will never change. My spouse will never change. My life will always be this way. That is just the way I am. I will never change. But as John Piper says, "We breath God ignoring air." There is a God working all things for your good and for His glory. How often do we enter into a tough situation and think God is in control and he is using this to make me more like Christ for his glory? Instead we ask, "God, why is this happening to me?" How quickly we forget that God is working to change us and that he can change situations in the blink of an eye. Peter is in a tough situation, but Christ easily changes it for Peter's good and God's glory.

Jesus is a game changer. He is always in control and is never surprised. He is always at work in our situations changing us to be more like Him. Trust Him.